
Thesis Defense: entitled ” Russia’s Strategy in the Unipolar System ( Constant & Variables)”.



Under the Supervision of a Committee Consisted of Dr. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim as the Head of Committee Dr. Lourdes Habash and Dr. Samir Awad, Nardeen el Memi Defended her Thesis entitled ” Russia’s Strategy in the Unipolar System ( Constant & Variables)”.


Thesis Defense: Influence of Diplomatic Activities of National Liberation Movement over International Law & International Relations: The Palestinian Experience


Under the Supervision of a Committee Consisted of Dr. Yaser Amouri as the Head of Committee, Dr. Asem KHalil and Dr. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim, Rashad Twam Defended his Thesis entitled  “Influence of Diplomatic Activities of National Liberation Movement over International Law & International Relations: The Palestinian Experience”.   

Participating in a workshop organized by the Institute for Palestine Studies


Raed Eshnaiwer, the researcher at Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, participated in a workshop organized by the Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS) about the electronic archiving for the sources of the Palestinian social history. Mr. Eshnaiwer talked about the Palestinian archive in Birzeit University, he talked about the working mechanisms in the project, data collection, categorizing and presenting them online. He also talked about the difficulties that face the project.

Thesis Defense: “Relationship Between Russian & Nato (1991-2008)”



Under the Supervision of a Committee Consisted of Dr. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim as the Head of Committee, Dr. Lourdes Habash and Dr. Ahmad Mesleh, Ashraf okeh Defended his Thesis entitled “Relationship Between Russian & Nato (1991-2008)”

The Second week of Summer School at Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies


Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies (IALIIS), as part of the activities of the 2nd week, 11-15 June 2011, of its summer course, hosted two guest speakers addressing issues concerning Palestinian refugees, and the opportunities that might emerge for the benefits of Palestinians due to the Arab revolutions. 

Roundtable: “Reconciling “Integration” and the Right of Return: Rethinking Palestinian Refugeehood”


Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International studies hosted Dr. Ruba Salih- SOAS University, and Dr. Sophie Richter-Devroe, University of Exeter, in a roundtable discussion presenting the preliminary results and findings of an ongoing research dealing with the Reconciling “Integration” and the Right of Return: Rethinking Palestinian Refugeehood.

A Lecture in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolutions entitle: "Electricity sector in the Palestinian territories: which priorities for development and peace"


Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies (IALIIS) hosted Mr. Ayman Abu al-Khair on Thursday 16 June, 2011 in “Peace Studies and Conflict Resolutions” course. Mr.

Abu Alkhair addressed the topic of electricity as a necessity and a priority to achieve development and peace in the Palestinian territories.
