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Description of courses in the Master program in international studies



  • (6300) Introduction to International Relations

An overview of the principal subjects dealt with in the Master program in international studies. A conceptual introduction to general principles in the areas of: the historical development of social organization, politics, political thought, the state, history of the development of international politics, international relations theory, international political economy, globalization, diplomacy.


  • (6311) Research Methods

Introduction to research methodology and varied research methods in the social sciences. Description of the methodological approaches employed in preparing research and Master theses. How to choose a subject, the research problem and its various parts, defining the hypothesis, methodological approaches in the fields of quantitative and qualitative research, comparison between methods. The elements of research production: structure, table of contents, research language, dealing with a variety of sources, written, spoken and visual, documentation, and academic ethics.



  • (6321) International relations theory

A survey of the principal theories in international relations, the principles, concepts and hypotheses on which they are based, and their most important thinkers. Discussion of the interpretive capacity of each theory as applied to the international system, international politics, foreign policy, international competition and cooperation, as well as questions of war and peace. Comparative analysis of realism, realism, neo-classical realism, liberalism, neo-realism, constructivism and dependency theory. 


  • (6331) Historical roots of political concepts

Obtaining a historical understanding of the fundamental criteria of modernity: democracy (5th century BCE), empire (ancient Rome and the medieval Holy Roman Empire), the sovereign state (sixteenth century: Bodin and Machiavelli), the Westphalian international system (seventeenth century), capitalism (eighteenth century: Adam Smith), the nation (eighteenth-nineteenth centuries: Rousseau, Mazzini), constitutionalism (seventeenth-nineteenth centuries: Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, JS Mill), Socialism (nineteenth century: Owen, Marx, Lenin), internationalism (eighteenth-twentieth century’s: Kant, Wilson), the Third World (twentieth century: Frantz Fanon). 


  • (6332) Foreign policy and international relations

Study of the relationship between foreign policy and international relations, and its influence on the structure of the international system and the functioning of international politics. The development of the scope of foreign policy in a variety of areas, and a study of the concepts and analytical contexts of the field of foreign policy analysis. Significant domestic and international elements in foreign policy decision making. The influence of the foreign policies of great powers on the international system and international politics. Foreign policy models and their influence on international relations.



  • (6333) Principles of international political economy

Basic concepts and principles of international political economy. Theories and practical applications of political economy, success and failure of the application of theory. Elements of international economy and their influences on states. The role of non-state actors in structuring the international political system, international financial organizations (the World Bank and International Monetary Fund), the World Trade Organization, and multinational corporations. Relations between states of the North and the South in the areas of trade and development, and international financing and investment. World financial crises and their political and economic effects. 


  •  (6334) Principles of international law

The principles and concepts of public international law. The rights and duties of states. The UN charter. The international responsibility of states. The enforceability of public international law. Individual state policy V.S the decisions of international organizations. International conflicts and the means for their settlement. Basic principles of international humanitarian law. The rights of refugees under public international law. 


  • (6381) Transformations of the international system during the twentieth century

Structural transitions in the international system from 1890 to the present, their causes and effects. systemic stability, peace and war. The Multipolar system (to 194), bipolar system (to 1990), Unipolar and post-Unipolar system (since 1990).



  • (6382) International relations: Concepts and thinkers

The main thinkers who contributed to the defining the concepts, ideas and theories in the field of international relations. Analysis of a set of fundamental writings by a number of thinkers such as Thucydides, Wilson, Keynes, Morgenthau, Carr, Waltz, Mearsheimer, Kissinger, Nye, Wallerstein, Samir Amin, and Alexander Wendt.


  • (6383)  Non-state actors in international politics

Understanding the transformations undergone by the international system and international studies as a result of the increase in the number and influence of non-state actors in international politics, and a discussion of theirs influence on international relations. The role of international organizations such as the United Nations and its specialized agencies, regional organizations, popular organizations, multinational corporations, terrorist organizations, and individuals on international politics and relations.


  • (6384) Globalization and international politics: a critical approach

The concept and theories of globalization. The various links, political, economic, cultural and technological between globalization and international relations, its influence on the international system, national sovereignty, non-state entities, global security and interstate relations, as well as such phenomena as migration and terrorism. The institutions of globalization, advocates and adversaries of globalization, critiques of the right and the left. Political fallout from globalization, notably national populism. The future of globalization and the international system.


  • (7310) The nature of diplomacy

The origins and development of diplomacy over the centuries, the structural organization of diplomacy. The functions of diplomacy: representation, negotiation, protection and supervision. The nature of diplomacy: from the peace of Westphalia in 1648 to the Congress of Vienna in 1815; conference diplomacy, summit diplomacy, bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, coercion, preventive diplomacy, the influence of individuals on the nature and functions of diplomacy. Globalization and diplomacy, soft power, the role of non-state actors in the diplomatic arena. The future of diplomacy.


  • (7311) Negotiations and diplomacy

Defining negotiations and the fundaments as well as the concepts and laws of the negotiating process, and their links to diplomacy. How to define the goals of negotiations, and maximize gains while minimizing losses. The psychology of the negotiating process and the culture of negotiations. Asymmetrical negotiations, crisis management during negotiations. The choice of allies and understanding the various camps; how to choose a negotiation team. The methods of negotiation, tactics of the negotiating process, boycott and ending negotiations. Case studies.



  • (7312) Conflict resolution and international crisis management: case studies

Theories of conflict and international crisis management. Causes of conflicts, types of conflicts, various methods for conflict resolution and international crisis management. Peaceful methods such as arbitration, mediation and negotiations, or non-peaceful methods such as military intervention. Analysis of a series of practical cases such as the division of Korea, the three-party invasion of Egypt, the Berlin blockade, the Cuban missile crisis, Egyptian-Israeli negotiations, the single China policy, the Madrid Conference, the Oslo accords, transitional justice in South Africa.



  • (7313) International trade policies

Principles of international trade, the bases for negotiations, trade agreements and associated policies. The legal framework of international trade from GATT to the WTO. Conditions for membership of the agreements, most notably the World Trade Organization, which contributed greatly to world economic development after World war two. The nature of regional trade groupings and international economic coalitions. Distinctions between free trade agreements, customs unions, a common market and economic or monetary union.



  • (7314) International development

Historical origins of the concept of international development since the second World War. Theories of development, and the developments leading to the current concept of international development. Social and economic development and political transformation. The role of the state in development. International developmental agencies and non-governmental organizations. UN agencies working in the field of development and the goal of sustainable development 2015-2030. Links between international development and the initiatives of the great powers, and their effects on developing countries, particularly with regard to international debt. 



  • (7315) The future of international politics

A futurological analysis of the international system in the twenty-first century. The constituents of power and the redistribution of power. The future of the great powers, political and military alliances, and major economic blocs, and its influence on international politics. The role of a variety of actors in redefining international politics and the outlines of the future international system. Globalization and nationalism, free trade and protectionism, terrorism and migration. The relevance of international law and organizations.


  • (7316) Human rights in international politics

The transformation of the philosophical and juridical basis of an international culture of rights and the international structures of human rights, notably after World War two. Human rights criteria and types of rights. International documents, treaties and agreements related to human rights. The responsibility of states, pressures and international intervention versus the sovereignty of states. Regional and international bodies, local and regional courts, human rights networks, civil society organizations, public opinion, media. The influence of human rights on international relations and politics. Case studies.


  • (7317) Humanitarian intervention

The concept of international humanitarian interventions, types thereof and their legitimacy, legal, political, economic and ethical aspects. Growth and development of the phenomenon. Causes and justifications for international humanitarian intervention, such as strengthening human rights, protection of minorities, preventing crimes against humanity, peacemaking, furthering development. The responsibility to protect, humanitarian relief, emergency relief, natural crises and disasters as well as conflicts. The essential players in humanitarian intervention and their goals: states, governmental and non-governmental organizations. Case studies.


  • (7361) Regional studies

Detailed study of a regional organization (such as the EU, Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, etc.) based on need, interest and availability of resources.



  • (7371) Palestine in international politics

The Palestinian question and its Arab, regional and international implications, from the early twentieth century. The struggle with the Zionist movement and then Israel at the local, regional and global levels, during the mandate period, through the revolution and the Palestinian Authority. Palestine in the regional and global system. International decisions and their impact. The role of the great powers and international politics and the Palestinian question. Palestinian diplomatic successes and reversals. Negotiations since the Madrid conference. 


  • (7381) Special Topic

Advanced study of a topic selected by the international studies program committee based on need and the availability of resources. 


  • (8011) General Oral Exam

After the completion of 24 credit hours and during their last semester, track B students take their general oral examination, aimed at testing their general skills in the discipline of international studies. The exam is administered by a special committee and offered twice a year at the end of each semester. It is not offered during the summer semester.


  • (8301) Research seminar

Advanced study of a topic in the area of the “foreign policy of the great powers”. Each student must write an extended research paper (at least 12000 words).



  • (8311) Research Seminar

Advanced study of a topic in the area of the “Arab world and international politics”. Each student must write an extended research paper (at least 12000 words).


  • (8600) Thesis

A scholarly piece of research is produced, based on the criteria applying to Master theses.