Migration and Refugee Studies


The aim of this module is to provide students and interested people with studies about refugee and forced migration, to enrich their understanding about legal, political, social and economical topics related to the central theme. Issues such as the political and social identity of the Palestinian refugees, their rights, and the protection systems are included under this section. Part of these researches are to be published in one of the institute’s publication.

Below are the studies available with abstracts on SSRN: 


Khalil, Asem & Zayed, Amal. 2012Reusing The Notion Of Dignity In Refugee StudiesAvailable on SSRN


Ali, Zarefa. 2011. The Internally Displaced In South Africa And Palestine From 1948-1966. Available on SSRN


Elewi, Sujood. 2012. The Impact of A Palestinian State on Palestinian Refugees and Their Right of Return. Available on SSRN


Khalil , Asem  and  Eshnaiwer , Raed. 2012.  The Palestinian Authority/ State’s Need to Regulate Migration Issues Under Unstable Political Conditions. Available on SSRN


Abu Eid, Abdallah. 2011. Military Order No.1650 and Policy of Deporting Palestinians (Arabic). Available onSSRN


Abu-Reesh, Refa. 2011. Images of the Lost Homeland: Palestinian Refugee Women Memories in Comparison to Refugee Means Before, During and after the Nakba of 1948 (Arabic). Available on SSRN.


Abu Soai, Mahmoud. 2011. The Legitimacy of Deporting the Jerusalemites on Light of International Humanitarian Law: The Case of     Jerusalemite MPs (Arabic). Available on SSRN


Adwan, Laura. 2011. The Image of Palestine  in the Narratives of Refugees: A Comparative Study of Two Refugee Camps - Qalandia in Palestine and Al Yarmouk in Syria (Arabic). Available on SSRN. 


Al-Malki, Majdi. 2011. The Transformation of Political Identity of Refugees of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Camps (Arabic). Available on SSRN


Beckerle , Kristine . 2011. Pity versus Rights’ Recognition:Rejection of the Victim Label by Palestinian Refugees. Available on SSRN


Bontemps, Véronique. 2011. Between Extreme Coercion and Individual Choice: Stories of Palestinians Working in Israel (arabic). Available on SSRN.


Darweesh, Yasser. 2011. Political Solutions for the Palestinian Refugee Issue and Peace Negotiations' Horizons Available on SSRN.


El-Sakka, Abaher. 2011. Sociological Study on the Social Identity of Palestinian Youth in Two Palestinian Camps (Arabic). Available on SSRN.


Heacock, Roger and Mall-Dibiasi, Caroline. 2011. Liberating the Phantom Elephant: The Digitization of Oral Archives. Available on SSRN.


Habash, Lourdes. 2011.Differences and Similarities Among Refugees in Terms of Their Attitudes Towards UNRWA: Aida Refugee Camp as A Case Study (Arabic). Available on SSRN.


 Khalil, Asem. 2011. The 'Protection Gap’ and the Palestinian Refugees of the Gaza Strip. Available on SSRN.


Gabiam, Nell. 2011.  Spatializing Identity the Changing Landscape of Palestinian Refugee Camps. Available on SSRN.


Hanafi, Sari. 2011. Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return: Towards an Extraterritorial Nation-State Solution in Light of Arab Mobilization (Arabic).


 Miari , Mahmood . 2011. Refugees and Non-Refugees in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: Similar or Different Identities?. Available on SSRN


Sayegh, Rosemary. 2011. Palestinian Refugee Identity/ies; Generation, Class, Region.


Schiocchet , Leonardo . 2011. Palestinian Sumud: Steadfastness, Ritualand Time Among Palestinian Refugees. Available on SSRN