New publications for Dr. Asem Khalil


Dr. Khalil, director of the Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, published recently the following chapters in books printed by Oxford University Press in New York (English), CMP Publishing in London (English), L’Harmattan in Paris (Frensh), and the Institute of Law at Birzeit University (Arabic).

Khalil, Asem. “Constitution-Making and State-Building: Redefining the Palestinian Nation.” In: Rainer Grote and Tilmann J. Roder (eds.). Constitutionalism in Islamic Countries: Between Upheaval and Continuity, pp.583-596. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 

Khalil, Asem and Jamil Salem. “Legal Framework of Palestinian Economic (under)development.” In: Koen Byttebier and Kim Van der Borght (Eds.). Imagining a Shared Future: Perspectives on Law, Conflict and Economic Development in the Middle East, pp.171-198. London: CMP Publishing, 2011.

Khalil, Asem. « Quel système politique pour la Palestine ? Leçons tirées de la crise politique de l’Autorité Palestinienne et de l’impasse institutionnelle conformément à la Loi Fondamentale. » In : Raphaël Poreilla, Jacques Fontaine, Philippe Icard & André Larceneux. Quel Etat ? Pour Quelle Palestine ? pp. 343-356. Paris: L’Harmattant, 2011.