Brainstorming Sessions

An Analytical Study on the Healthcare of Palestinian Refugees


Mr. Said Salameh presented the latest research of the Department of Refugee Affairs regarding the health services which UNRWA provides to Palestinian Refugees. As he compared the  health needs of these refugees and whether these services comply with their needs. This research depends on the latest statistics, made inside and outside of these refugee camps, in terms of the number of refugees and the beneficiaries of these health services. Furthermore, he also mentioned the role of civil society, and national institutions in development and improving refugees health status.

Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 10

The Black Population in the Maghreb and the obstacles of Integrations: Algeria as a Model


The period of prohibiting slavery forms a crucial period in the integration of new societies to which they belong to.  However, to what extent can the Blacks in North Africa, Algeria in particular, form an identity of their own; or emerge as a part of the country’s’ identity which will shape starting from the year 1962 their new homeland. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012 - 10
